
"Bringing the School to You" "El colegio viene a tu encuentro" OPENING SOON!

About US

Where do I start!

Well lets just say it started 25 years ago when I decided to marry a local Spanish girl from Granada and having to learn the Spanish language and my wife having to learn English to live in the UK we have gained a lot of experience in what it is like to learn another language.

For many of us time is the real problem, I for one after a full days work found it difficult to study using tapes and books, in fact you could almost guarantee they would send me to sleep and trying to fit in private lessons or going to evening classes was always a struggle when returning for work.

But that was 25 years ago and now we have the internet and video conferencing at our disposal, but more importantly the technology can make the classes more interesting but having tested a few of these online teaching courses they are to be honest no better than using linguaphone, OK some people may like that but having a real interaction with a qualified teacher is so much better. In truth it is hard to beat the experience of a classroom but we believe we can come close.

So it is our plan to bring the experience of a classroom to your home, to give you more free time and most of all make it an enjoyable experience.